In the NEWS

This page contains some of the numerous media reports, media coverage and interviews of Rupanjana De in print, digital and electronic media starting from 1996, long before she started her career as a Practising Company Secretary.

A critically acclaimed international travel magazine TOURIOSITY was launched at Oxford Bookstore, Kolkata in 2012. Rupanjana De is the Honorary Editor of the magazine since 2012.

Kolkata TV
This interview of Rupanjana De was conducted by Kolkata-based Kolkata TV on the occasion of International Women's Day 2015

Kolkata TV
An interview of Rupanjana De, then the Secretary of the Eastern India Regional Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, was conducted by Kolkata TV in 2015

EnVERT Foundation
Closing speech at the launch ceremony of company law book 'Company Law Ready Referencer', at Williamson Magor Hall of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Kolkata on 10th September 2016.

EnVERT Foundation
A 'First-of-its-kind' initiative by Touriosity, the dying tramways of Kolkata got a colourful resurrection in August 2016. It was ideated by Rupanjana De and implemented by renowned Spanish painter Joaquin Gonzalez Dorao

Career Keeda
As a Speaker CS Rupanjana De, then the Treasurer, of EIRC of ICSI is talking about the Soft Skills Aspects for Professionals in the Corporate World in 2017.

EnVERT E-Vehicles
A brief presentation by Rupanjana De, non-executive Director of EnVERT E-Vehicles at the Seaside Start-up Summit in Goa in March 2018

GlarePost News
International Women's Day message from CS Rupanjana De, Author of Company Law Books

ICST is an international conference organised every year by Touriosity on sustainability and sustainable tourism. Here's part of the Editorial speech in the first version of ICST

NTV, Vietnam
As the Editor of Touriosity, addressing a Press Conference in Vietnam in 2019

TTV, Vietnam
In 2019, on the occasion of the 50th death anniversary of legendary former President of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, an interview to the TTV Vietnam in the capacity of Editor of Touriosity

Aaken Advisory
On occasion of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, Aaken Advisory jointly with !NSPIRE Talks, Envert Foundation and Glarepost endeavour to create a healthy society Physically, Mentally and Emotionally. CS Rupanjana De was a Speaker